*Please make a note on your preferences or goals when you book the appointment so we can program it appropriately for you. If no note is made, we will default to the detoxification program.
A low, constant intensity level penetrates the body and cells absorb the light energy to help skin health. Near infrared improves overall skin tone, elasticity, and firmness, promoting anti-aging benefits.
40 minutes
Far, mid, and near infrared combinations induces deep relaxation as it relieves muscle tension at a low, comfortable intensity promoting overall stress reduction.
Pain Relief
30 minutes
A far and mid blend provides natural pain relief by reducing inflammation and swelling. Near penetrates the issue promoting cellular repair at a medium, constant intensity.
37 minutes
Starts at a high intensity to increase the body's core temperature, then reduces to a lower intensity level. Mid and far infrared combination improves vascular access flow to reach toxicants at the cellular level.
Weight Loss
30 minutes
Starts at a high intensity to stimulate the cardiovascular system, then reduces to a medium level. As the body works to cool itself, heart rate increases cardiac output and metabolic rate, like aerobic exercise.
45 minutes
Starts at a high intensity to increase heart rate and cardiac output, then lowers to sustain heart rate level. Circulation increases to promote healthy blood pressure.